20日倫敦 + 法 + 意 行程 ~~ 請幫忙!!! (10點)

2008-04-21 4:42 am

Day 1: London (1700 到達機場)
Day 2: London
Day 3: London
Day 4: London
Day 5: London
Day 6: London – Paris (by Europe Star, 早上到達Pairs)
Day 7: Paris
Day 8: Paris
Day 9: Paris
Day 10: Paris – Marseille (早上到達Marseille)
Day 11: Marseille – Venice (坐過夜火車到Venice, 所以Day 12早上才到達Venice)
Day 12: Venice
Day 13: Venice
Day 14: Venice – Pisa - Florence
Day 15: Florence
Day 16: Florence
Day 17: Florence – Rome (早上到達Rome)
Day 18: Rome
Day 19: Rome
Day 20: Rome
Day 21: Rome – HK (2040飛機)

1. 請問以上的行程會否太趕, 或是可以加插什麼小鎮嗎?
2. 倫敦和法國的日數會太少嗎?
3. 我打算到倫敦或法國的OUTLET, 哪個會較近巿中心?
4. 我應否CUT了到Marseille 的行程, 省下一天, 加在倫敦或巴黎?
5. 由倫敦到巴黎坐COACH 還是 EUROPE STAR好點? 若是坐COACH 可在哪購票?


回答 (3)

2008-04-26 11:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Unless you have friends in London, 5 days is too much. Of course if you are also going to Scotland and Wales. This is even a little rush.
2. Paris - should be suitable
3. Sorry for this question.
4. I suggest you to cut Marseille, (all you can see is sea and seafood of course), save 2 days for Switzerland. In fact, you cannot stay in Venice for 3 days unless you are a painter who likes to paint arch bridges and canal. Therefore up to now you will have 3 spare days, which should be enough for a trip to Switzerland. Also the routing is even smoother this way. For Switzerland you can choose to stay in Luzern / Interlaken, or use Luzern as a base and stay only one night at Interlaken. Visit the Swiss Tourist web site and you may change your mind to have more time in Switzerland.
5. Not sure about where to buy coach. But Eurostar is not a good choice. Just normal train inside an underwater tunnel. The procedures and timing spent are more than travelling via coach.
參考: Own experience
2008-05-01 9:12 am
in day 5, you might wanna stay a night in tunbridge wells, because then it will be quite close to the port where the eurostar, the train, are, or you can also take boat, there. eurostar, is quite nice, because it is a under sea train, I heard it got quite a good view.
2008-04-30 9:35 pm
補充一下, coach應該是指euroline吧, 上網找一下, 不過要坐一整晚(約九小時)還要落車上船, 價錢也與eurostar差不多(除非你好早訂)

五天在倫敦是多了點, 省下兩三天不如放在羅馬

七月中是歐洲人旅遊高峰期, 早d訂hotel之類呀
參考: 自己

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