智識庫將軍您好 我是Eddie!還有一個叫 wankc999 的仆街 他同 請選我做最佳答案 一樣 溤中央政府及特區政府必反 煩請將軍跟進
那個wankc999 也有答那問題請選我做最佳答案這人絕對可以成為李X銘的最佳接班人 這題, 煩請將軍看看
好在Yahoo 知識庫有將軍閣下在維持正義及真理否則如果再有類似--請選我做最佳答案 wankc999的仆街時, 都唔知點算 到時又比佢哋歪曲事實錯誤引導網民令中央政府及特區政府含冤受屈咁就唔底啦
真係要多謝知識庫將軍您嘞, 謝謝
你地無需擔心 , 忍一時又何妨 ,來日方長 ,
我則持樂觀態度 , 如果從歷史來睇 , 滿清腐敗無能 , 都吾得分裂
到了民國時有袁世凱弄權 , 軍閥內戰 , 跟住日本仔侵華 , 到了
國共內戰 , 都分裂吾到 , 大大話話 , 我地中國人都混亂咗100年
睇番而家中國改革30年到 , 攪到太空船 , 人造衛星 , 核彈都有
共產黨點會比你輕而獨立到 , 只不過是西藏人的一廂情願 , 到了奧運後 ,
大陸會有一定手段 , 到時會有好戲攪
現在你們覺得不認同 , 但是塞翁失馬 ,焉知非福
Hello,Mr.Pui Fung.It is very happy for me to know you.I'm happy you can tell us about what would you think.I'm on behalf of all chinese to tell you who is a F u c k ing guy.
2008-04-22 17:55:06 補充:
What did you write? What is 大家比時間中國進展吧- funny enough?You told us that you remember exactly the same thing being said after the cultural revolution.... and look at what happened on 4th June 1989..But I can tell you now is 2008 ,not 1989.
2008-04-22 17:55:10 補充:
It is too bad for your mind.Why do you have conservative mind?You are not a chinese ,don't you?
2008-04-22 18:07:33 補充:
First, you said that what part of what Jack Cafferty said is not the truth?I can tell you that it is all part cooked a story for him.And it seem to me,you are cooked a story.
2008-04-22 18:07:42 補充:
What is CNN did not lie? Thit is impossible. What is it is lucky that those thugs are in the UK or USA, if they were in China, they would have been dealt with using AK47s and tanks...It is so wrong for you.In China,chinese can not buy AK47 and use it.And you are arrest from the Chinese police
上面那個 --Pui Fung--, 你是否中國人 ? 唔好以為打英文就係美國鬼 !
我知你好想做美國鬼好耐了, 咁你仲唔快D飛去美國幫喬治布殊吹蕭 !!
正一走狗賣國賊 !! 你是否那個叫 --請選我做最佳答案-- 的粉腸的好朋友 ?
2008-04-25 13:17:42 補充:
wankc999, 睇嚟你對我的誤會愈來愈深 !! 你究竟明唔明我那些文章係講咩 ?
好似李柱銘那段, 我的意思是說那個叫 --請選我做最佳答案-- 的人可成為李柱銘的接班人, 而不是話你 !!
另外, 我經常說的, 是那個名叫 --請選我做最佳答案-- 的人, 而不是叫你哋選我的答案做最佳答案 !!
請別怪我直言, 我真係好懷疑你在閱讀上的理解能力 !!
2008-04-25 16:46:04 補充:
wankc999, 你不需要再繼續引用那段文字出來了 !! 我當時是誤會了你, 以為你同那個叫 --請選我做最佳答案-- 的人一樣, 所以才出言侮辱, 在此致歉 !!
但如果你仲要嬲, 我都冇說話好講 !! 反正我又唔識你, 你唔識我, 都冇咩所謂 !!
2008-04-25 16:49:03 補充:
wankc999, 你不需要再繼續引用那段文字出來了 !! 我當時是誤會了你, 以為你同那個叫 --請選我做最佳答案-- 的人一樣, 所以才出言侮辱, 在此致歉 !!
但如果你仲要嬲, 我都冇說話好講 !! 反正我又唔識你, 你唔識我, 都冇咩所謂 !!
2008-04-25 16:49:39 補充:
wankc999, 你不需要再繼續引用那段文字出來了 !! 我當時是誤會了你, 以為你同那個叫 --請選我做最佳答案-- 的人一樣, 所以才出言侮辱, 在此致歉 !!
但如果你仲要嬲, 我都冇說話好講 !! 反正我又唔識你, 你又唔識我, 都冇咩所謂 !!
2008-04-25 16:50:11 補充:
wankc999, 你不需要再繼續引用那段文字出來了 !! 我當時是誤會了你, 以為你同那個叫 --請選我做最佳答案-- 的人一樣, 所以才出言侮辱, 在此致歉 !!
但如果你仲要嬲, 我都冇說話好講 !! 反正我又唔識你, 你又唔識我, 都冇咩所謂 !!
Pui Fung他可能不是中國人,或是黃皮白心的假洋鬼子.他中文唔多識,英文又不見得甚麼樣,這類人見識有限(或只看CNN,BBC等的報導),又怕被人說他無料,只得用英文發表歪論(香港有好多人英文水平不足以理解他的論點).就算睇得明又不同意,很多人亦不想花時間去寫英文板來回應他.
中國人口十三億, 大部份公民收入低於生存工資水平, 即永在赤貧線下, 誇代貧窮; 近日國家試圖把反家樂福及CNN行動降溫, 就是要把國民反西方這些非理性反華行為控制至非極端反西方程度, 一來是令京奧順利舉行, 賺取大量外匯來發展經濟; 二來是恐怕國人愛國心過份熱熾,淪為逢西必反, 觸怒西方國家杯葛京奧, 使京奧大為失色!
藏獨是1959年入藏後造成的漢藏仇恨而成為其政治能源, 基於當時社會主義及藏傳佛教的互不認識及勢力懸殊之下而造成的歷史問題, 國家是需要正視的; 因部份藏青對達賴喇嘛失望而淪為藏獨份子, 及達賴喇嘛在西方的良好印象, 已在問題"關於西藏獨立`"回答, 不贅。 漢藏淵藪悠久, 達賴喇嘛只要求高度自治及保留原文化, 已為溫總回應, 故趁達賴喇嘛仍對藏人有影響力時, 國家應嘗試了解其底線, 舒緩過去的歷史創傷, 構建和諧社會。 至於有人謂達賴喇嘛為西方之傀儡, 無疑, 西藏天然資源蘊藏豐富, 但缺乏食物資源; 加上歷代達賴,班禪喇嘛均要中華民族正統政權冊封或承認, 故西方不大可能影響漢藏之間的利益關係。只是藏青文化不高, 又未消弭歷史仇恨, 故淪為藏獨份子, 違背達賴喇嘛非暴力抗爭的方向。
丁亥年因體諒回族文化而禁以豬為廣告的國家需要正視藏民的怨懟, 並文明開化他們, 團結56個民族, 構建和諧社會! 而我們應對同胞作更大的包容, 諒解其不滿, 開導互融, 使西方勢力沒分裂國家的機會, 削弱藏獨, 中國崛起!
好明顯美國人在用對蘇聯個套對中國,民間對CNN所作所為自有公論。Pui Fung:看來你真的是唯恐天下不亂的暴民,身為中國人連用中文表達都無能力,無怪乎古人話:一朝學得胡人語,爭上城頭駡漢人。你可惜生在現代,如果早幾十年,你直情可以做得好過汪精衛,賣國叻過吳三桂,佩服佩服!
美國人報道員口出狂言- tell me, what part of what Jack Cafferty said is not the truth?
Toys imported from China did have lead and according to the lattest research, the level was so high that put ting them in the mouth can cause brain damage to the child.
Also, there was indeed problem concerning pet food imported from China. (In fact, look at the food that are imported from the mainland in HK, even human food like eggs, fish are found to be poisonous let alone pet food.....) so CNN did not lie.
And indeed, look at their behaviour (what they are doing now, causing trouble, violence in China and around the world in the name of patriotism; did you read the news yesterday, a Chinese student in the USA was receiving death threats from the thugs from mainland because she was siad to be pro Tibetan independence) are they not thugs in and from mainland ? (it is lucky that those thugs are in the UK or USA, if they were in China, they would have been dealt with using AK47s and tanks..._
CNN was indeed telling the truth, and lets not forget, Jack Cafferty is also a critic on the US government as well.
Lets not forget, while maybe not all western countries are good people, China did have a very bad human right record that deserve to be criticised.
大家比時間中國進展吧- funny enough, I remember exactly the same thing being said after the cultural revolution.... and look at what happened on 4th June 1989....... 胡溫領導- are they more open minded or able than 鄧小平, look at how he turned out......
China will never improve if everyone is like you and defend the regime blindly.... You have to think critically, and dare to challenege the regime.... 自古偉人都是這樣誕生
參考: Before u ask, I am a Chinese, otherwise I could not have understood the question