簡單英文 文化+翻譯

2008-04-20 8:03 pm
1.她去了超級市埸(該用went or gone?)
2.他有沒有去celine dion的演唱會?(did he went/go?)
3.你之前有沒有看過jacky chan的戲?(did you watch? had you watch/watched?)
5.承上, 也不要將這個秘密告訴別人後,叫他不要告訴別人!!

PAST同PP TENSE既分別又是什麼??


6.where do you go?同where had you been之分別

回答 (2)

2008-04-21 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Went 是 go 的 past tense. Gone 是 go 的 past participle ( 過去分詞 ) 。
在這裹, 你應用 Present Perfect Tense : She has gone to the supermarket.
不過, 上句指 "她" 仍身在超級市場。如果你指 "她" 已不身在超級市場, 你應用 has been to : She has been to the supermarket.

2. Did he go to Celine Dion's concert?
在 Past Tense 問句或否定句中, 動詞不應用 past tence。
Eg: What did you eat for breakfast?
I didn't have breakfast in this morning.

3. Had you ever watched Jacky Chan's films before?
在 Past Perfect Tense 中, 無論是肯定句, 否定句或問句, 都應用 Past Participle.

4. Let me tell you a secret, but please do not tell it to others.

5. Also, do not ask he or she not to tell it to others after you have told it to he or she.
( 這題意思有點怪。)

6.Where do you go? 和 Where had you been? 都表示 "你去了哪裏? "
Where do you go? 表示"你"身在該處; Where had you been?表示"你"不身在該處。

Q: went同gone的分別是什麼?
A: Went 是 go 的 past tense. Gone 是 go 的 past participle 。

Q:PAST同PP TENSE既分別又是什麼??
A:Past Tense is used to talk about thing in the past with certain time. You will concentrate on the time if you use past tense.
Present Perfect Tense is used to talk about things that have finished already. If you are not sure the time, you could use this tense because you will just concentrate on the action, but not the time.

Hope I can help you!
參考: S.1 English books
其實 went 係PAST TENSE and gone 係它的 PP FORM.... PRESENT

TENSE 當然係 GO 啦 !!!

DID 之後係唔會再用 PAST TENSE 架啦 +_+

好似第1題, 她去了超級市埸 = 如果係 PAST TENSE, 係 she went to

supermarket. 如PRESENT TENSE, 係 she went to supermarket.

DID 同 HAVE 的用法你再自己搵下....我驚教錯你啊

其他都係錦用架啦 ..... 我唔打曬比你啦 !!!

有咩再問我啦 [][][][]
參考: 自己意見

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