可唔可以翻譯三句成英文 thany ^感激 [15 分]

2008-04-20 9:43 am
1:如果可以..希望同妳既愛情長久  我永遠都咁愛你 !


2:搵一個愛惜自己健康....又可以同甘共苦女仔吧 !


3:老婆 我希望妳係我一生人之中最愛伴侶 希望你可以陪着我一生 , 或者 將來有機會組織個小家庭 一家健健康康 快快樂樂 咁過一生 ! 

回答 (4)

2008-04-25 12:41 am
[ 己帮你 翻譯三句成英文 ] 1: If may.. the hope be already long-time with 妳 the love I forever
all to love you!

2: treasures the oneself health.... to be allowed to share
joys and sorrows the girl!

3: The wife I hoped 妳 is in my life person most likes the
companion hoping you may accompany my life, or the future will have
the opportunity to organize a small family healthy joyful 咁 life!

2008-04-20 11:51 pm
1.If I could.. I wish our love will last for a long period. I love you forever!

2. Find a healthy.... and a girl who is able to share joys and sarrows!

3.Wife, I hope you are the partner whom I love in my life, wish you can stay with me forever, or we have chance to organise a family in the future, live healthily and happily!
2008-04-20 5:57 pm
1 : wish our love could last forever if possible . My love for you is eternal.

2 : Seek for a girl who can cherish her own health and who can share both
prosperity and adversity with you.


3 : Honey ,i hope that you can be the love of my life ,hope you could always be
with me no matter what. Perhaps we could build a small family ,with good
health and full of joy in life!
參考: me
2008-04-20 10:01 am
I wish our love could last forever if possible . My love for you is eternal.

Seek for a girl who can cherish her own health and who can share both
prosperity and adversity with you.


Honey ,i hope that you can be the love of my life ,hope you could always be
with me no matter what. Perhaps we could build a small family ,with good
health and full of joy in life!
參考: :-)

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