i wanna stop smoking ciggarettes?

2008-04-19 6:49 pm
ii wanna stop smoking cigs, but its hard because im only 15 but yet im under so0o much stress, and im a great singer, and everybody loves my singingg but yet smoking has messed up my singing badly i cant even hit high notes anymore and i wanna stop so0o bad, any advice ?

回答 (7)

2008-04-19 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
OH MY GOD!! How come you smoke since you are under 15!! And if you are over 18 you are not encorage to smoke too, especially you are singer! We always studied about the effect of smoking and I'm sure you know about that. Please never smoke just because of stress. This is only an excuse. Stress can be handle by other ways such as listen to music to doing things you like.

Actually, I do believe that stress is given by ourself. No matter what is making you feeling so stress, I just wanna say that don't take it as stress but try enjoy it and you will find happiness.

Also, never set a high target that you will never achieve. If not you will be feeling stress for not achieving your goal. Besides, try not to bother how people look at you. Just do what you like as long as it is correct, legal and wouldn't hurt anybody.

Remember what I said. Make yourself happy and never ever smoke! You have to STOP it RIGHT NOW!!! Maybe you can have some biscuit when you feeling to smoke.

Good luck and all the best to you!
2016-05-18 11:28 am
Natural Quit Smoking Magic
2008-04-21 7:12 pm
I agree with other answerers - throw out the cigarettes! Tell all your smoking friends that you are quitting, and make sure they know not to give you any more cigarettes - no matter how much you beg!

Find something else to do the times that you would normally smoke.

It will be tough, but you may be able to save your voice - you're still young, and if you quit now then you will be much better off - research has shown that the body can repair a lot of the damage that smoking does if you quit.

If you can afford patches, they will make it easier, but if not - it is possible to quit cold turkey, especially if you have supportive friends.
2008-04-19 7:12 pm
Throw them out! If you smoke at a certain time of the day, find a distracting activity to do during the time you would normally be smoking. Do you smoke with friends? Try to stay away from other smokers while you are in the early stages of quitting. Look at the time you smoked your last cigarette and try to see how long you can go before your next one. gradually make that time increase before the next one and you can try to wean yourself off of them. At 15, hopefully you aren't as addicted as a 20 year long smoker is. Quit now before it's too late. Not to mention the fact that it ages you greatly. You don't want to look like the marlboro man when you are 21! Good luck, I hope you succeed.
參考: 9 year ICU RN
2008-04-19 7:04 pm
well 1st who r u ? 2nd stop throw the ciggarettes away
3.get som paches

4................. if this aint tru which it may not B GET A LIFE
2008-04-19 7:01 pm
im in exactly the same place you are right now...im 15 ive been smoking for a year now and it just isnt as fun as it used to be...im sure you know what i mean but i dont know if any of your friends are snokers or not but if they are get them to help you quit by doing it with you ....it really is a win.win but i just decided im gonna be done as soon as i finish both of the packs i have open .....(like 3-4 days) and i will just try my hardest...after that i dont really know what to do prob. niccotene patches

just try to do things to keep your mind off of it ...good luck!!

email me if you have any more q's
[email protected]
2008-04-19 6:57 pm
dont smoke!!!!!! it can mess up ur singing and even your lungs!

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