Does any of you know where I can find a free chat room?

2008-04-19 6:49 pm
I'm looking for a free chat room, no registration and uses java, just like


回答 (3)

2008-04-21 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The chat rooms at free-buy-help are free and they use java or flash. You can join the rooms instantly without having to register or to download any additional software on your computer you have direct access through your web browser. You find more details about those chat rooms here
2008-04-22 3:39 pm
this is the simplest i think... its easy to create...
2008-04-20 2:13 am
988 chatroom!
It fulfill what you mentined.
Besides, you can choose to maintain or change your nick each time you login.

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