✔ 最佳答案
Hi Melody,
I think first of all you have to really decide what you want to be. I was a student in English and Linguistics too, but I turned out to work in the business sector without any relationship with what I learnt. I have no regret since better English is always better than normal when dealing with the foreigners in trade.
If you do not want to stay away from the linguistics area, then why are you going to spend one more year in getting a master degree. If I were you, I will try to see if there are any means that you can get a master degree in other area, though in this case you may have to still spend one extra year to obtain the relevant qualifications.
It is not a bad idea for you to start work after degree so you can look at various pros and cons on each sector before choosing a master degree which suits you best !
Good luck !!