關於進修...選HKU SPACE? 浸會? HKMA?

2008-04-20 1:59 am

我近來想讀一d course 關於Logistics 的課程既,但又唔知選邊間好..

之前讀過IVE 的Foundation Diploma & Diploma in BA、而家做緊野(係關於物流業),有差唔多3年的工作經驗...不過我會考Eng 唔pass,而且無五科合格tim.....

1. 我想問讀Professional Dip. ,其實係HKU SPACE 好唔好既呢,人地話應受性大好多架woo!因為有d仲coruse 和物流協會有聯繫....係咪架???...不過係咪俾起出面係貴d 呢??

2. 如果係浸會好唔好架呢??....我聽d同事講,只係ok,但係平d...而且係會易入d架!!而且如果我係侵會讀完,出到黎俾其他第他學校唔多承認升讀degree 的資格.....若講到出黎做野的應受性係咪會冇咁普遍呢??

3. 咁HKMA 呢? 係個度讀Logistics Management 好唔好架? 我睇過價錢同HKU SPACE 係差唔多咋.....如果我第日再讀degree,咁其他地方會唔會HKMA 的証書架?

唔好意思啊!問左咁多問題,但我真係好想知,已經煩左個幾月啦!....而且又要差唔多到deadline 啦!希望你地能俾少少意見我啦!


回答 (1)

2008-04-22 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest you study in HKU SPACE because their logistics course can get full exemption of The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK)

Local Accredited Programmes
The Hong Kong Council has recognized the following local transport or logistics oriented programs as meeting partially or all of the education requirements for CMILT.

Full Exemption
Diploma in Transport Management [[Full Exemption] - HKU SPACE (School of Professional and Continuing Education of HKU)
Period : 2002 - 2005
Postgraduate/Professional Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management (being offered in China) [Provisional Fulll Exemption] - HKU SPACE (School of Professional and Continuing Education of HKU)
Period : 2003 - 2005
Professional Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management [Full Exemption] - HKU SPACE (School of Professional and Continuing Education of HKU)
Period : 2002 - 2008

My experience, study logistic course cannot get the job in logistic.
All logistic company care about your working experience and people network more than your education level.

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