大腸內窺鏡問題 , 驚 !!!

2008-04-19 9:21 pm
我今年 22 歲 , 屋企冇人有大腸癌 , 今年大約一月尾開始發覺排便好困難 , 之前一日去一次或者兩次已經去哂 , 而且去得好順暢 , 但係由一月尾開始 , 雖然每日都有去 , 但係每次好用力都剩係去到少少 , 而且個肚日日都痛 , 又因為我經期十分唔準 , 到大完便之後見到有血 , 都唔知究竟係經血還是大便出血 ...... 我都唔知發生咩事 , 飲食又同之前一樣 ...... 同埋我對腳唔知點解 , 肌肉成日唔自控咁郁 , 但係唔係痛o個隻 ...... 我去左政府排期照腸鏡 , 但係排到明年八月 ......
我想盡快去私家 check , 但係唔知邊間安全 & 較舒適 , 同埋希望唔好咁貴 , 唔知各位有咩建議 ? 我上網睇過好多資料 , 所以希望大家講一o的真人真事既經歷出黎 , thz ~~~
好驚有 cancer ......

但係大便潛血測試好似唔係咁準 ?

回答 (1)

2008-04-26 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
大腸鏡 Colonoscopy
I have this investigation performed by myfriend who is an experienced surgical specialist who is good in 大腸內窺鏡
Price should be around $4000
If you want his contact, just go to 樹熊醫事簿" and ask, I cannot tell here as it will be complained by other for 廣告宣傳
Even though I work in public hospital, I have no hesitation to have this investigation by private as it is comfortable, fast, safe!

Don't waste time to have大便潛血測試
參考: personal experience with 大腸內窺鏡

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