Audit急問......請求回應>3<” (15分)

2008-04-19 8:43 pm
有間公司冇跟上年既 audit adjustment做數, 所以今年我要做opening adjustment. 有關accrual既問題想問下,...感激不盡!!~!


係咪dr accrual
cr 相對expenses (eg.salary...building mgt fee)


其實我知道果堆accrual係咩野,包括有building mfg fee,salary,MPF,以building mfg fee為例,扣除accrual之後,咁今年原本12個月既exp咪得返11個月?(ledger 有齊12個月mgt fee) 即係代表要做多條adjustment (dr building mfg fee, cr accrual) for第12個月 嗎? 同樣情況, salary同MPF都一樣要做adjustment嗎? 個schedule又應該點present 返果舊數出唻? 不太明上年accrual帶到落今年會點影響今年盤數?請幫忙!!

回答 (4)

2008-04-19 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案

係咪dr accrual
cr 相對expenses (eg.salary...building mgt fee)
Yes, you are right
Yes, you are right. But this is an adjustment to reinstate the actual and correct amount of the expenses incurred in this financial year.

The amount as shown in the ER should be the salary paid or accrued for the period from 1 April to 31 March, in the following year. If your accounts is closed at 31 December, 2007 this figuare may not be the same figuare as stated in your ER for salary paid or accrued to 31 March, 2008. So, the salary as stated in the accounts could be matched to salary as reported in the ER. For accounting purposes, it is the salary incurred during that accounting period and it should be correctly stated in the financial statements.
The accounting issues are all correct.

2008-04-21 20:50:10 補充:
I think it is a fundamental of matching concept in accounting. If there are some expenses for the year not yet paid at the balance sheet date, accrual must be made. For accrual made in last year, if these are paid in current year, simply debit to accrual and cr. bank.
2008-04-22 6:44 am
2008-04-20 7:15 pm
Dr﹝借﹞上年盈餘(Retained Earnings) Cr﹝貸﹞費用﹝你要睇舊年會計師做邊啲應付款而清咗佢﹞你唔使再做應付(Accrual)因為在賬內根本無呢條數,而做調整時要考慮對今年盈利影響:去年費用或收入未入賬要去上年盈餘(Retained Earnings) ,今年應付及應收賬就按香港會計師守則第一條去做。如果你發覺你做完去年費用調整後上年盈餘(Retained Earnings) 與審計盈餘不符,咁有兩個可能性:1. 你有啲數入錯咗;2. 會計師無入齊所有應付費。你查過自己無錯就照做等會計師今年做審計(Audit)個陣調整。
2008-04-19 10:02 pm
1) 先找回上年accrual 咪東東, 例如水電, 人工....可問上年Auditor 取.
2) 今年, 多數4,5月找的有否以上的數, 如有則Dr Accrual, Cr Bank.
3) 如沒有找清, 則需問老闆或會計部頭頭可否取消. Dr Accrual, Cr Expenses.
4) 如有多出的(應是上年的Expenses, 但沒做 Accrual, 則當今年的入已可.)
5) 今年應付但未付的費用, 入回 accrual, Dr Expenses, Cr accrual.
如有問題或需幫忙, 請 Email, [email protected] 比我

Best regards,
Samson So

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