✔ 最佳答案
5,我好同意你話大自然係上帝的最美好傑作,點解人要稱霸及不斷破壞,令很多生物受苦,無人,就唔會咁. 你想要復原
不過,你要知一點, 由好去唔好,係好易ge事,
由唔好去好,係好難事. 呢d可能係rubbish 話.
咁我地只可以減慢佢global warming ge speed,
就係唔好produce pollution anymore, 慢慢咁小d produce,
我都好想可以復原,因為連我最like ge
動物--orca(killer whale/toothed whale)都有影響.....
2008-04-20 12:07:46 補充:
減慢佢global warming ge speed(係stop唔到ge):
don't produce pollution(CO2)
switch off the TV when you're not watching
And many other stuff
2008-04-20 12:07:54 補充:
If you do all these above, I mean all of the people, we can stop the global warming not going more and more faster, but we can't really stop the global warming, it will still be these, and the end of the world will come within 2 centuries if we can do the above, it's just a problem of time.