Direct Credit and Direct Debit

2008-04-19 10:12 am
I still dun know their difference...

1. Which method of payment I would use if my money need to transfer direct to the seller's bank account? Direct Credit or Direct Debit ???

Help me please!!

回答 (2)

2008-04-19 3:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if you want to transfer money to a seller's account, it calls direct credit or direct deposite to the seller's account. Direct debit means you give a permit to let someone direct take money from your account to thier accounts(for example: when you pay your monthly fee to XXX company, you give out a permission to let that company direct debit from you account, that calls direct debit)
2008-04-20 4:42 am
答: 可以考慮以下兩種做法: Auto-pay (定期支付) 和 Standing Instruction (直接付款指示); 都是由銀行直接處理的。
1.)定期支付: 日期和金額都是固定不變的, 直至新指令出現為止。例如, 繳交租金, 指令往往是每月的第一天, 金額都是一樣的。
2.)直接付款指示: 是當某類帳單到期的時候, 銀行根據客戶已有的指令, 清繳款項。例如, 清繳信用卡的費用, 客戶只要往銀行簽署文件, 銀行會自動地扣減客戶的帳號, 把客戶的信用卡帳單清繳。

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