
2008-04-19 6:48 am
The History of Pizza
By Mani Niall
Roman soldiers tasted matzo and thought it lacked FOCUS (the Latin word for hearth). On a hearth, along with oil, herbs and cheese ... pizze was born ..

The root word in Latin is PICEA, which describes the blackening of the crust caused by the fire underneath.

The modern precursor to what we call pizza occurred in pre-Renaissance Naples. Poor housewives had only flour, olive oil, lard, cheese and herbs with which to feed their families, so combining them in a tasty and delicious manner became the goal. All of Italy proclaimed the Neapolitan pies to be the best.
Chronological history of pizza:
post Columbus - Tomatoes were brought back to Europe from the New World. Originally they were thought to be poisonous, but later became accepted and added to pizza.



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2008-04-29 2:56 am
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The History of Pizza (薄餅的歷史)
By Mani Niall

Roman soldiers tasted matzo and thought it lacked FOCUS (the Latin word for health). [羅馬戰士品嘗了未發酵的麵包,並且認為它缺乏焦點(健康的拉丁詞)。]
On a health, along with oil, herbs and cheese ... pizze was born ..[在健康,與油一起,草本和乳酪…薄餅出生。]

The root word in Latin is PICEA, which describes the blackening of the crust caused by the fire underneath. [在拉丁的根詞是PICEA,描述火在底下造成的使變黑外殼。]

The modern precursor to what we call pizza occurred in pre-Renaissance Naples.[對什麼的現代前體我們稱薄餅在前新生那不勒斯發生了。]
Poor housewives had only flour, olive oil, lard, cheese and herbs with which to feed their families, so combining them in a tasty and delicious manner became the goal.[可憐的主婦食用了哺養他們的家庭,因此結合他們以鮮美和可口方式成為目標的麵粉、橄欖油、豬油、僅乳酪和草本。]
All of Italy proclaimed the Neapolitan pies to be the best. [所有意大利宣告那不勒斯的餅是最好]

Chronological history of pizza:

post Columbus - Tomatoes were brought back to Europe from the New World.
Originally they were thought to be poisonous, but later became accepted and added to pizza. [最初他們認為是毒的,但是以後變得接受和增加到薄餅。]
參考: 自己~希望幫到你啦~^^
2008-04-19 7:09 am
The History of Pizza
By Mani Niall
Roman soldiers tasted matzo and thought it lacked FOCUS (the Latin word for hearth). On a hearth, along with oil, herbs and cheese ... pizze was born ..

The root word in Latin is PICEA, which describes the blackening of the crust caused by the fire underneath.

The modern precursor to what we call pizza occurred in pre-Renaissance Naples. Poor housewives had only flour, olive oil, lard, cheese and herbs with which to feed their families, so combining them in a tasty and delicious manner became the goal. All of Italy proclaimed the Neapolitan pies to be the best.
Chronological history of pizza:
post Columbus - Tomatoes were brought back to Europe from the New World. Originally they were thought to be poisonous, but later became accepted and added to pizza.

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