
2008-04-19 6:12 am
本人準備9月到多倫多升學, 由於揀選的學校沒有宿舍, 需要自己找apartment. 上月我已到實地探路, 但發覺租金貴得驚, 未包水電暖氣也要每個月約HK$6000左右(3百多呎), 聽說加拿大的水電費很貴, 保守估計每月也需預備HK$8000左右租地方住, 但對於窮苦學生來說, 簡直是"攞我命"!!
請問大家知唔知有咩地方租會平D呢? 但又唔會話太雜太唔安全!

我將會係downtown間george brown返學, 所以都想住番downtown... 至於會唔會share房, 其實我都想, 但唔知點搵partner... 又驚撞正個唔夾既...

回答 (3)

2008-04-19 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm living in Toronto, the rent you said $ 6000HK is condo,right?
Actually, water is cheap & hydro is not really expensive, you're looking at
around $ 150 CAD total (water & hydro) for a 300sq.ft-400sq.ft condo.
Where is your school? high school or university? downtown or uptown?
Downtown is more expensive, you can share room with your friend, see if
there is any posting at your school.
Uptown is way cheaper, lots of them including water & hydro too. It really
depends on where u want to live & if you are going to get a driver license.
Welcome & good luck in Toronto.
2008-04-22 5:16 am
你真係識講笑, 一來話自己係窮苦學生, 但另一方面又要租個三百幾呎嘅aparment住. 咁當然啦, 自己租一個單位, 私家廚房, 私家浴室, 咁嘅價錢係唔貴喇, 想要慳錢就要租散房住, Geroge Brown 附近有好多屋有散房租, 多數同其它租客共用廚房, 浴室, 通常呢啲咁嘅散房都係學生住多, 尤其响Gerorge Brown 或且UT附近, 週圍行吓, 見到門口掛住"For Rent" 就入去問吓, 你要有心理準備, 响downtown嘅屋都比較舊, 你可能睇唔上眼, 但大數嘅屋都係咁上下, 我兒子在UT附近租房, 租 CDN$450 包水電. 無租約, 面積80吧呎左右.
參考: 來自加國
2008-04-19 6:52 am
Depends on whether or not you wish to live close to school / subway station.

But if wish to look for cheaper rent, you may consider sharing a flat with someone instead of renting an apartment yourself. There are actually quite a lot of rental ad on "Ming Pao" (Toronto version) that some families wish to rent out spare rooms at their home.

Good luck to you!
參考: My experience at times in TO

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