Fantastic Four 係講D咩GAAA.....急~~~

2008-04-19 6:08 am
我想問Fantastic Four 係講D咩GAAA.....急~~~要簡單D


回答 (1)

2008-04-19 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

Four astronauts have their lives changed forever, when they end up being hit by a cloud of cosmic radiation. Reed Richards now has the ability to stretch his body like elastic. After the exposure, hr has two strains of white hair in his head. Sue Storm is now the invisible woman. She can turn invisible and can create a force field. Johnny Storm becomes the human touch. His body can turn into pure flame and have the ability to fly. Ben Grimm becomes the 'Thing', a man made out of rock and have great strength. But there is one problem. The journey's sponsor, Victor von Doom Is also affected where he turns into metal and can emit electronic bolts. He wears a iron mask and became an evil character called Doctor Doom.

2008-04-19 01:55:05 補充:
如果你要漫畫版,故事會有 D 出入,最主要係 Doctor Doom 冇同佢地一齊上太空。


2008-04-19 01:57:01 補充:
hr has two strains of white hair應該係 he have two strains of white hair
參考: 我自已

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