CE Econ (GDP) [urgent!!!]

2008-04-19 4:42 am
The construction of a high-rise luxury apartment was started in 2001. The following table shows some details of construction:
YearValue of works completed at the end of 31 December ($ million)
2001 300
2002 500
2003 1600
The construction work was completed in mid 2003. The whole apartment was sold at $1600 million in August 2003. As a result of this, the GDP of the economy in 2003 is increased by
A. $300 million
B. $800 million
C. $1100 million
D. $1600 million
The Ans is C...
I think it is D...
but why??????????

回答 (1)

2008-04-19 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
The values are accumulative for each year

1600 million is the worth of the building, but not the value produced in 2003

The production value in 2003 should be 1600 - 500 = 1100 million

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:27:42
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