Apply Cathay Pacific Flight Attendant

2008-04-18 7:00 pm
I have applied Cathay Pacific for Flight Attendant online on 11/4/08 at night. Today is 18/4/08, I still haven't receive the call for interview, what can I do? I have phoned to CX recruitment hotline, someone said if it appear the word "Success", CX will receive my apply and someone will phone to me. But I still haven't receive...

回答 (1)

2008-04-20 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你online apply o既時候係出現o左success lee個字,你可以放心等候cx o既call...因為佢o地真係需要時間process ga...我試過等o左5個星期...所以唔駛擔心...
參考: myself

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