Chem experiment><”

2008-04-18 8:21 am
*Determination of the equilibriumconstant for esterification!!*

1)what is the purpose of adding a small amount of concentrated sulphuric acid to the glacial ethanoic acid and propan-1-ol mixture at the beginning of the

2)why should anti-bumping granules be added to the reaction mixture before

3)write the equation for the esterification reaction between ethanoic acid and

4)for first and second titration, only 1cm3 reactant is needed, but 10cm3 in
the third titrations, why?

5)compare the results of the 3titrations and explaination.

6)should the concentration of water be written in the equilibrium expression, why?

THX for your ans. ^^""

回答 (2)

2008-04-18 5:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. it acts as catalyst. conc. sulphuric acid has dehydrating
2. to provide smooth boiling.
------------> CH3COOCH2CH2CH3 +H2O
4. 1 and 2 titration may not be accurate. so we use small
amount chemicals. the third titration is better.
so we use 10 cm3 to minimize error.
5. the third titration should be the most accurate one.
equilibrium needs time to reach.
6. concentration of water need not take into account.
we assume water is in excess and constant.

2008-04-28 08:11:33 補充:
if you think i am wrong , why don't you answer it. are you a rubbish?

i think you can only say some body wrong. but you cannot say the answer.

haha. you must be a rubbish!!!!!!!
2008-04-23 8:50 am

The true answer of #1, I am sure that H2SO4 must act as a catalyst
and answer of #6, the water must be regarded simply because H2O in this equation is an product which will affect the equilibrium.

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