Thoughts on this photo?

2008-04-18 7:03 am
Howdy. I am an amateur photographer. So I am still learning alot, and I just want to hear your thoughts on this pic. It's just a B&W pic of my cat. What do you think about it? I'll take criticism, but please be constructive :)

Also, if you have some time to blow you could check out other photos in my album. I'm just looking for some feedback. Thanks!

回答 (14)

2008-04-18 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's charming.

At the largest size I can see where you darkened the kitty's nose. When manipulating in Photoshop its always best to magnify the work and manipulate pixel by pixel. The eyes are lovely.

Keep going.
2016-05-29 5:46 pm
I think the moon is overexposed. There would have been no loss of shadow detail by stopping down as there wasn't any detail to begin with, and you could have cleaned up the clouds a bit in post. Also, the big chunk of wood hanging above the bird is distracting and the empty space on the right of the frame is not doing anything but sitting there. Ask yourself "Who is the star of this picture" and compose accordingly. A tighter frame would help. You could consider cropping. You know I love your work Reg, and I like where you're going with this. It has an eerie feel that I think really works. So.... Get closer. Bigger lens. Since the birds let you walk right up to them sidle on up and get the close up. Don't listen to the light meter in this situation - the brightness of the moon is confusing it. Bracket your exposures - and let the shadows fall where they will.
2008-04-18 8:59 am
I love the pictures of the butterflys you have taken.
2008-04-18 8:52 am
Your photo is very lovely~
2008-04-18 8:10 am
I'm not one of those technical photographers, but it's a very nice photo of a good-looking little kitten. The darkened nose might be a little much, but other than that, it's damn fine work.
2008-04-18 7:09 am
Nice use of depth of field.

Keep on taking more photos. I think I'm at a very similar stage with my own amateur photography. And I'm finding that I get better every month or so. Especially after reading tips and looking a lots of photo techniques on Flickr.

Hey check out this link. He's got some great advice...
2008-04-18 7:08 am
I like 4970 a bit more.

Cute kitty.
2008-04-18 7:08 am
Great subject focus and contrast. Good Photo.
2008-04-18 7:08 am
These are awesome if you really took these!! Doesn't look amateur-ish.
2008-04-18 7:06 am
You are a talented photographer. keep up the good work.

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