Does it take a lot for you to get mad?

2008-04-17 11:49 pm

回答 (36)

2008-04-18 2:44 pm
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hmmm no not really... a lot of hurt and pain built up inside of me..
2008-04-18 9:33 pm
i never get mad the last time that i myself became mad,wel lets just say that i even scared of myself now,AN the one that goes by streaker she knows how i move and what upsets me and what does nothere is a example you can cal me any name in the book or even yell, and kick ,my leg ,but if i hear that someone has hurt a child ,,,,and ,or a lady,,, then get as far away from me as you can,as many of you know i am a ex fighter boxer and al round street fighter hurt the help-lles and i wil spend every dime i have tracking you down ,,and the fishe s shall have new food!folks i am not joking some that know me no what i am al aboutif you hurta litle lady or boy look out.iam the real deal and no one has ever goten away from me when they have done things that make my stomack sick
2008-04-18 8:01 am
Yes it does. And then when I do get mad, I don't stay mad for long.
2008-04-18 4:50 am
depends on the situation but i usually will get mad when ppl dont understand me or they think they're cooler than everybody else. i hate that!!! =[
2008-04-18 12:58 am
I don't really get mad. Nothing is worth dwelling over. Something I just learned in life. Took me awhile but I did learn it. Love, honey
2008-04-18 12:41 am
Yes sometime I feel that like take a drugs and cant stop
2008-04-18 12:12 am
No, I get mad very easily. I cant say that I like that but I just cant help it, I have a short temper.
2008-04-17 11:55 pm
i dont know about gettin mad quick
but i defend myself almost everytime so if that counts as mad then yes
2008-04-17 11:54 pm
no i am sorry to say that the least little thing will make me mad.
i have a very short temper i am sorry to say which gets me in to a lot of trouble and i am not proud of that
2008-04-17 11:54 pm
It takes a bit. But if someone goes to me and calls me "Tigress" I'll go "HEY, you NOOOOOO, It's a greek translation and doesn't mean I'm female... now stop wetting yourself while I'm trying to issue a reprimand!"
2008-04-17 11:52 pm
Depends on the situation. Push my buttons the right way, and hell yeah within a millisecond I'm furious.

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