Dating Question?

2008-04-17 2:54 pm
I met a really hot guy who plays air guitar in a garage band. He has long hair, and wears tight pants, He has the "look" down. He always talks about getting tattoos and a motorcycle to complete the "image"
He is really good, and i think that they may get a record deal soon...
Should I wait til he makes the first move? I am worried if I wait to long, He will be too famous for me...


回答 (20)

2008-04-17 3:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He has scabies. Trust me.
參考: Not that that's a bad thing. OK, well, yes it is.
2008-04-17 9:58 pm
Tell him that you want to join the band and play the skin flute.

I think he will at least let you audition. Given you have the lung capacity.
2008-04-17 9:57 pm
Air guitar?

2008-04-17 11:01 pm
Spend that $30.00 on some sexdy laungerie and walk around half nude and shake your assets at him!
2008-04-18 5:24 am
I am heart-broken. All this time I thought you went for the genius, albeit demented, type and here you are, like all other women, drawn to the glitz and glamor of long-haired air guitarists with the "look."

Woe be it for me to stand in your way. I shall forever remain faithful to playing my air ocarina in my Peter Pan tights, converted from an old pair of Dr. Denton's with bunny feet.
2008-04-18 2:13 am
You’re at a loss here. Who cares about the guitarist?? Get to know the band, become their groupie and make a move on the drummer. More rhythm and bangs a lot.
參考: I played drums before
2008-04-18 12:11 am
Go for it now! Then you can ride on the back of his imaginary motorcycle AND help him pick out an invisble tatoo.
2008-04-17 9:58 pm
Make him wait girl!!!! He will respect you more in the long run. If you give in right might just be like any other gilr to him.....good things come to those who wait...especially if you are really interested in a guy...make him wait if you want him to like you
2008-04-18 6:29 am
I would snatch him up now....NOW!....what are you still doing here? Go! Go!....If I was gay you'd have some competition! But I'm not.....No, really, I'm not. If you don't believe me you can ask the 8 women I had last night!
2008-04-17 10:00 pm
ummm... how does one play air guitar in rock band? He is a lameo if he plays air guitar in a band... especially a garage band.
2008-04-17 9:59 pm
i think you should make sure he likes you that way if he does make your move and if he gets to cocky make sure to bring him back into reality because hes just like every one else just famous

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