英文文法.....請幫忙 >< thz

2008-04-18 5:14 am
horizon (broaden my horizon or broaden my horizons?)
Which are countable nouns?
Which can have "s" at the end?

1,Is he back home now

2,I have more than enough candies on the table,can you give the excess to your friends.


I have more than enough candies on the table,can you give the ecession to your friends.

這些句 grammers對不對,可否幫我改?

He picked the resort to hold a seminar yesterday.些

The police track down the suspect.


This case is out of my hands, I am not in charge anymore.

On the top of my head, I can't remember who she is now.

"Out of my hands" and "top of my head",我用對嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-04-18 12:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Followings are uncountable nouns :
Information – you can change it into countable by adding a quantifying noun such as : a piece of information. However, even if you change it into countable, no “s” can be added at the end.
Experience – no “s” can be added at the end.

Followings are countable nouns that can have “s” at the end :
Apparatus - apparatuses
Instrument - instruments
Device – devices

Followings are both countable and uncountable, depending on situation. When they are countable, you can add “s” at the end.
Service - services
Advice - advices
Ability - abilities
Horizon - horizons : should be broaden my horizon (because you only have one horizon).
Horizons – this usually is used as geographical terms. We can have many horizons in the world.

這些句 grammars對不對,可否幫我改?

1. Is he back home now - correct

2. I have more than enough candies on the table, can you give the excess to your friends. - correct

I have more than enough candies on the table, can you give the exession to your friends. – wrong (exession is not a word).

3. He picked the resort to hold a seminar yesterday. - correct

4. The police track down the suspect. - correct

這些句子對嗎?他們的中文意思是? "Out of my hands" and "top of my head",我用對嗎?

1. This case is out of my hands, I am not in charge anymore. – correct
The meaning of this sentence is that the person who said this is not in charge of the case anymore, therefore he said “this case is out of my hands”.

2. On the top of my head, I can't remember who she is now. – correct
This means even I try very hard to think, I cannot remember who she is. (On the top of my head = think deeply.
參考: Myself
2008-04-18 9:54 am
device (COUNTABLE, 不過唔會加S. 例子:SHEEP)

其實有D係另一個意思的時候, 係可以加S, 我跟最常用的意思來決定

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