How to proof Pythagoras' theorem??

2008-04-18 4:47 am
How to proof Pythagoras' theorem??please tell me more.

回答 (2)

2008-04-18 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
one simple way to proof Pythagoras' theorem is that
you can draw a right-angle triangle. a line is 3cm and the
other line is 4 cm. and then you draw the hypotenuse at last.
you then measure it. you will find that it is equal to 5 cm.
so it is the proof. 3x3 +4x4 =5x5
2008-04-18 5:55 am
Pythagoras theorem has more than 300 proofs, which is the mathematical formula having the largest number of proofs. This website lists out some of the proofs.

2008-04-26 00:29:06 補充:
It is only the proof for only one specific case, but not the general proof for the whole case.

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