
2008-04-18 4:44 am


回答 (3)

2008-04-20 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Corpse Bride carries on in the dark, romantic tradition of Tim Burton's classic films Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Set in a 19th century European village, this stop-motion, animated feature follows the story of Victor (voiced by JOHNNY DEPP), a young man who is whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious Corpse Bride (voiced by HELENA BONHAM-CARTER), while his real bride, Victoria (voiced by EMILY WATSON), waits bereft in the land of the living. Though life in the Land of the Dead proves to be a lot more colorful than his strict Victorian upbringing, Victor learns that there is nothing in this world, or the next, that can keep him away from his one true love. It's a tale of optimism, romance and a very lively afterlife, told in classic Tim Burton style.

【尊尼特普Johnny Depp(聲演域陀雲特)】已是第五次與添布頓合作,去年以《小飛俠之魔幻童心》獲奧斯卡及金球獎提名,之前亦憑《魔盜王決戰鬼盜船》獲同樣提名。他出道以來一直被認為是荷里活少數有演技出眾的偶像男星,名作包括《天生愛情狂》、《忠奸人》、《不一樣的天空》,但一般皆認為他與添布頓的合作最能表現他獨特一面。

英國著名女演員【夏倫娜寶咸卡達 Helena Bonham Carter(聲演屍新娘)】,近年與添布頓合作無間,包括《猿人爭霸戰》及《朱古力獎門人》。她的成名作是由占士艾華利執導的奧斯卡得獎電影《翡冷翠之戀》,掀起了古裝浪漫電影的熱潮。她其後亦參與演出了艾利華執導的《窗外有情天》及《三顆翼動的心》。近年她的最佳演出,是與畢彼特合作,《七宗罪》導演的《博擊會》。

【愛美莉華生Emily Watson(聲演維多利亞)】,她憑第一部演出的電影《愛情中不能承受的痛》一鳴驚人,獲得奧斯卡及金球獎提名,又獲紐約影評人協會頒贈最佳女主角。繼後,愛美莉又以《她比煙花寂寞》一片獲奧斯卡及金球獎提名,出眾演技備受肯定。她變成很多名導演喜歡合作的演員,先後演出《高斯福大宅謀殺案》、《沉默的赤龍》及《因愛之名》。
2008-04-18 5:03 am
添布頓是Tim Burton、米奇莊臣是Mike Johnson
2008-04-18 4:47 am
添布頓(Tim Burton)、米奇莊臣(Mike Johnson)

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