
2008-04-18 3:38 am
拜託拜託  英文呀~


回答 (2)

2008-04-18 3:55 am
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復活島石像(稱Moai )

位於太平洋的復活島,面積大約118平方公里,人口大約二千人。這個不毛之地,曾有過相當偉 大的歷史。在島上有三百五十處石造壇及一千多尊巨石人像。這島的文明起源,至今仍眾說紛紜,而人們亦將這些巨石像叫作「毛亞」(moai)。最矮的毛亞為三公尺,最高的達二十公尺。以火山凝灰岩造成。另外在毛亞的下方有超過三百五十個祭壇。大多數的毛亞也在拉諾鑿製。拉諾是座死火山,人們便是利用那兒的岩石造毛亞。而雕刻用的工具則是用火山爆發時噴出的玄武岩造成。在拉諾火山的山坡,目前還有一百五十尊未完成的毛亞。  
2008-04-18 3:57 am
It is one of the most isolated islands in the world but 1200 years ago a double-hulled canoe filled with seafarers from a distant culture landed upon its shores. Over the centuries that followed a remarkable society developed in isolation on the island. For reasons still unknown they began carving giant statues out of volcanic rock. These monuments, known, as "moai" are some of the most incredible ancient relics ever discovered. The people of Easter Island called themselves the Rapa Nui. Where did they come from and why did they disappear? Science has learned much about the enigma of Easter Island and has put to rest some of the more bizarre theories, but questions and controversies remain. Explore this site to get the latest information on the island's history and current research.

2008-04-17 19:59:03 補充:
叫 MOAI 呀!

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