有冇人可以幫我 中譯英 一下以下既食譜呀?20分~求,很急

2008-04-18 2:50 am



材料 :
菠菜麵 100 克
西芹 ½ 棵
紅蘿蔔 ½ 個
香腸 2 條
白磨菇 6 粒
淡忌廉 120 克
史雲生清雞湯 50 克

做法 :
1. 先把西芹、紅蘿蔔、香腸及白磨菇切粒 ;
3.把菠菜麵用水煮 20 - 25 分鐘,然後過冷河;
4. 將淡忌廉、雞湯煲滾再放入香腸及白磨菇煮熟;
5. 再倒下菠菜麵、西芹及紅蘿蔔;
6. 用少許生粉加水開茨汁。


士多啤梨毛士 Strawberry Mousse 返回目錄 >>


材料 ( 6 人份量)
-士多啤梨400 克  
-檸檬汁 4 湯匙  
-魚膠粉 1 1/2湯匙  
-幼砂糖 200 克(約1 杯)  
-蛋 2 隻  
-忌廉 250 毫升  

-忌廉 50 毫升  
-士多啤梨 3 粒 (一開二)  

-小杯 6 隻

1. 士多啤梨洗淨去蒂,攪拌機攪一分鐘,用篩格去粗粒做成太約一杯士多啤梨漿。

2. 加魚膠粉於檸檬汁內,用熱水坐溶備用。

3. 忌廉用打蛋器打至企身備用。  

4. 全蛋加糖坐於熱水中打至乳白忌廉狀,攪入 魚膠液、士多啤梨漿後分次混合忌廉中,倒入小杯中,放入雪櫃中雪至凝固,可隨意加上士多啤梨和忌廉作裝飾即可 。

可唔可以幫手搵埋呢d食物              有乜營養(例如:蛋白質)

回答 (1)

2008-04-18 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Spinach noodle with white sauce

Spinach noodle 100 gramme
½ Celery
½ Carrot
2 Sausage
6 piece ofWhite mushroom
Light cream 120 gramme
Chicken broth[Shi Yun Sun] 50 grammes
a little bit of braking powder

1. First of all,cut the celery, carrot , sausage and the white mushroom.
2. Put the celery and carrot into the boil water.
3. Boils the spinach noodle about 20 - 25 minutes, then put it in the cold water.
4. Boils the light cream and chicken broth, and then put the sausage and the white mushroom in and boils until it is thoroughly cook.
5. Then put the spinach noodle,celery and carrot in.
6. Mix a little bit of braking powder with water as a sauce.


Strawberry Mousse

Producer: Cat

The material (For 6 person)
- Strawberry 400 gramme
- lemon juice 4 soupspoon
- fish powder 1 1/2 soupspoon
- Sugar 200 grammes (1 cup)
- 2 eggs
- Cream (250 milliliters)  


- Cream 50 milliliter
- strawberry 3 pieces (Cut it in half)  


- an agitator
- an eggbeater
- 6 small cup

Manufacture process

1. Clean the strawberry and put it in the agitator to mix it about one minute, use the sieve out the large pieces, and then make it approximately a cup of thickstrawberry juice.

2. Adds the fish powder in the lemon juice, use the hot water to dissolves it.

3. Put the cream into the eggbeater to stir it.

4. Mix the sugar with eggs and put it on the hot water until it look like cream sharp form, put the fish powder liquid, strawberry juice and mix it with the cream, then put it into the small cup, and then put it into the refrigerator, you can put some strawberry or cream on top of it as a decoration.

I hope it can help you :) and hope it make sense to you!
參考: 自己

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