想提高英文成績!! 但5知報讀咩課程好!!!

2008-04-18 12:48 am
我依架係中三學生! 英文好差! 雖然係學校算係高材生,但講真,係間中等既學校既高材生又有咩用!

英文最差! 好想提高, 好想好想!
今日,去左WSI個度水平測試, 先得第二階段, 個介紹人建議我讀到第4階段,即係可以流利同外籍人講野! 但好貴!要$19800, 要問父母拿!!

我去WSI讀好5好阿??! 得5得阿?

回答 (2)

2008-04-18 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you told me that you were going to learn Japanese or French, then I would agree you to study in those langugage school. It is because I assume that you may want to learn the basic of those languages.

But for English, it is absoultey pointless! We all know that during primary school and secondary school, we have learned all the basics and gramma needed for English. I reckon you should be able to at least understand english textbook or communicate in English through msn, icq, and understand what I am currently writing to you, right?

It means that your english is up to certain level already, as you said, level 2 in WSI test. Therefore, no point to go to school to improve, especially the fee is whopping $19800, which is an utter rip-off.

If you want to advance your english, such as being able to communicate with English/American/Australian people, then you need to talk more, listen more! Language is different from learning science, maths or history. It is like a skill, like playing piano, all you need to do is do more. The more you do, the better you get.

You need an english environment. The best way is to study abroad, like what I did. If you can't, then try to watch more English TV, films. Read English books (fiction), newspaper. See if you can apply for exchange programs so you can go abraod for a year.
參考: my opinion
2008-04-18 2:35 am
參考: 一個連你都不知道她有多關心你,支持你的人~~:)

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