什麼是 IEEE1333

2008-04-17 8:02 pm
請問什麼是 IEEE1333 或 FSB1333,以及有何功能。

回答 (2)

2008-04-22 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
IEEE 本身並無 1333 的, 最接近的是:
IEEE P1363 — Public key cryptography (加密)IEEE 1394 — Serial Bus — "FireWire", "i.Link" (電腦火線連線)
而 FSB1333 係 Front-Side Bus 1333 的簡稱,
數值越大, 效能越高.

至於 IEEE 後面有乜野字 (唔一定係數目字的), 可以參考下表:

* IEEE 488 — Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation, IEEE-488-1978 (now 488.1).
* IEEE 610 — Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology.
* IEEE 754 — floating point arithmetic specifications.
* IEEE 802 — LAN/MAN
o IEEE 802.1 — Standards for LAN/MAN bridging and management and remote media access control (MAC) bridging.
o IEEE 802.2 — Standards for Logical Link Control (LLC) standards for connectivity.
o IEEE 802.3 — Ethernet Standards for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD).
o IEEE 802.4 — Standards for token passing bus access.
o IEEE 802.5 — Standards for token ring access and for communications between LANs and MANs
o IEEE 802.6 — Standards for information exchange between systems.
o IEEE 802.7 — Standards for broadband LAN cabling.
o IEEE 802.8 — Fiber optic connection.
o IEEE 802.9 — Standards for integrated services, like voice and data.
o IEEE 802.10 — Standards for LAN/MAN security implementations.
o IEEE 802.11 — Wireless Networking – "WiFi".
o IEEE 802.12 — Standards for demand priority access method.
o IEEE 802.14 — Standards for cable television broadband communications.
o IEEE 802.15.1 — Bluetooth
o IEEE 802.15.4 — Wireless Sensor/Control Networks – "ZigBee"
o IEEE 802.16 — Wireless Networking – "WiMAX"
2008-04-19 3:22 pm
ANSI/IEEE1333-1994, 用保護鑽孔法安裝電纜指南

FSB1333 => 1333MHz Front Side Bus

收錄日期: 2021-04-14 19:59:32
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