Can we sell the flat? The one shareholder just dead.

2008-04-17 5:15 pm
We have 5 sharedholder, the big boss(shareholder) just dead. Can other shareholder sell the flat? The big hold 620 shares and other 4 total hold 980 shares. We are 4 holder agreed to sell the flat, can it run in this case? Or, we need to other doc to suport ??? Please give me comment or any website that we can check. Many many thanks.

回答 (1)

2008-04-17 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on what type of ownership you hold. Bascially, there are 2 type of ownership for holding the premises, i.e. tenant in common - TIC & joint tenant - JT. You can check the land search to find out which type of ownership you hold. For TIC, each owner can sell their shares to others without consent of other shareholders. Just like the listed company, each sharedholer can sell their shares to others and there is no influence to other shareholders when one of them dead. But if you want to sell the whole unit, it is required to grant the concent with others to reach the total agreement. For JT, one of the owners died does not influence the change of ownership so that it is called 長命契.

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