20分急急急... ENG presentation correction !!!

2008-04-17 9:53 am
2 mins ~ 呢個presetation 係講有機會去英國, 會去英國邊度, 點解?!
好緊要 --- 係爭取去英國的機會.

If I can go to England. I will use this opportunity to use chance to visit Endinburgh. WHY? Because Edinburgh full of mystrical and interest. Their mystrical and interest are all come form a castle which called Edinburgh casrle. There are many story which are talking about ghost and sin.These story attract many tourist and also attract me.Let me tell a story.Between 17 century to18 century.There is a plague called black plague.This plague raged in Europe.The goverment inprison all the patient into the old town to control the plague,anddon't give any food or water to them.All of the patient who are inprison in old town were dead.After that,many people said they meet the ghost in the castle.But this is only the legend.However,this legend attract many tourist to explore.Therefore,many people will join the "team of ghost".The leader will tell the story,and.On the other hands,it'll explore the Edinburgh at night.These explore attract mant tourist and also attract my arouse.So,I really really hopethat i have a chanceto explore!


2 mins ~ 呢個presetation TOPIC 係講 " 如果有機會去英國, 會去英國邊度, 點解?!" 好緊要 --- 係一個爭取去英國的機會既presentation.

回答 (2)

2008-04-17 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
If I have the opportunity to go to the United Kingdom. I would like to visit Edinburgh. You might be wondering why Edinburgh? Well, the reason is because Edinburgh is a fascinating and mystic place. And the reason for it being so interesting and mystical is the Edinburgh castle. Many folk lore about ghosts and sin originated from the area. These story attract many tourist and it certainly attracted me.

Let me tell you the story that have started my obsession with Edinburgh. .Between the 17th century to the 18th century.There is a plague called black plague.This plague ravaged Europe.The goverment inprison all the patient into the old town to control the plague,and did not give any food or water to them.All of the patient who are imprisoned in the old town were dead.After that,many people said they have met ghosts in the castle. Of course, this is only a legend.However,this legend attract many tourist to explore.Therefore,many people will join the "tour of ghost". The tour guide will tell ghost stories while we explore Edinburgh after nightfall. These tours attract many tourists and alit most certainly attracted me deeply. Therefore, I really hope that I will have a chance to explore!
參考: 我自已
2008-04-17 10:30 am
If I can go to England. I will take this opportunity to visit Endinburgh. WHY? Because Edinburgh is a place full of mysteries and interests. These mysteries and interests are all come form a castle which called Edinburgh Castle. There are many stories which are talking about ghost and sin.These stories attract many tourists and also attract me. Let me tell a story. Between 17 century to18 century, there was a dicease called black plague. This dicease widely raged in Europe. The goverment imprison all the patients into the old town to stop the spreading of the black plague, and didn't give any food nor water to them. All of the patients who were imprisoned in the old town were dead. After that,many people said they saw the ghosts in the Castle. But this is only a legend. However, this legend attracts many tourists to explore the Castle. Therefore,many people will join the "team of ghost" while the leader will tell the story, and also, they will explore Edinburgh at night. These explorations attract many tourists and also attract me. So, I really really hope that I have the chance to explore Edingburg !
參考: Myself

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