Audit 工廠 ”急”

2008-04-17 7:36 pm
最近客人要 audit 工廠.. 需要準備下列資料 . 有沒有好心人士可以幫我翻譯.. 謝謝~

-Company's articles of incorporation/title papers/officer information.

-Hiring and/or training policies and procedures.

-Required licenses (i.e. business/health/export licenses, equipment permits)

-Trade association membership or other affiliations.

-Proof of tax payments or other government fees.

-Employee documentation (i.e. proof of age, employment contracts).

-Sampling of employee earnings record, production tracking, and time sheets.

-Payroll records and supporting documentation

-Safety program (i.e. fire extinguishers, first aid kit, protective equipment).

-Environmental awareness (i.e. recycling program, energy conservation).

-Access to employees for interviews and discussions.


回答 (1)

2008-04-17 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Company's articles of incorporation/title papers/officer information.
公司 /名稱證件/官方資料的文章(敘述)

-Hiring and/or training policies and procedures.
僱用 和/或 訓練之政策及程序

-Required licenses (i.e. business/health/export licenses, equipment permits)
所需執照(例如 商業/衛生/出口 /設備 許可)

-Trade association membership or other affiliations.

-Proof of tax payments or other government fees.

-Employee documentation (i.e. proof of age, employment contracts).
雇用人員之證件 (例如 年齡證明 僱用合約)

-Sampling of employee earnings record, production tracking, and time sheets.
僱傭人員之收入紀錄 , 產品追蹤 , 及僱傭時間表之取樣樣本

-Payroll records and supporting documentation

-Safety program (i.e. fire extinguishers, first aid kit, protective equipment).
保安計畫 (例如 滅火器 急救箱 防護裝備)

-Environmental awareness (i.e. recycling program, energy conservation).
環保認知 (例如回收計畫 節省能源計畫)

-Access to employees for interviews and discussions.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 16:02:55
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