由於127模具, 經過試膜後還是有問題, 所以我們還在修改,那由於其他訂單已經接近完成, 預計下星期4/25出貨。所以我們希望已經完成的訂單先出貨。
Since there’re still some problems on the mold # 127 after testing, we are still having it modification. However, as the other orders will be completely produced and expect to have it shipped on around April 25, so, we hope that we could send you those completed orders first.
Following is the total amount of the order :
希望確認無誤後能盡快T/T. 謝謝.
It would be highly appreciated that you could arrange us the remittance at your earliest convenience after your confirming the above payment.
很抱歉 27模具延誤而造成你的困擾. 我們安排下星期再重新上線試膜. 如果測試OK. 組裝時間大約需要2-3星期. 完成後我們會盡快通知你準備出貨.. 那因為信用狀期限只到4/30號. 那我們是想跟你商量是否127款項可以用T/T付款. 這樣子也不需要在去修改這張信用狀了. 很抱歉造成你的不方便. 希望你了解和幫忙此事. 謝謝
We apologize for the inconvenience on the mold # 27, and will arrange it for a further testing next week. If the testing result is good, it will take around 2 ~ 3 weeks for assembling. Once it has been done, we will notify you as well as arrange the shipment as soon as possible. Furthermore, as the expiry date of the L/C will be due on April 30, so we were wondering if it’s possible for you to arrange us the payment for # 127 by “T/T” instead since by this way we don’t need to amend the letter of credit. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience caused and sincerely hope that you could understand our situation, and your kind assistance will be highly appreciated.