what will i do if i already gave my personal information to these scammers? please help?

2008-04-17 3:46 am

回答 (5)

2008-04-17 4:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you go to this site it will help you with info on what to do when you have fallen for a scam.http://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/lo... Good luck and be careful.
2008-04-17 10:56 am
Be at the bank when it opens in the morning. Have your card/s killed and accts stopped.

I learned the hard way a couple of years ago. I gave mine on aPayPal scam. I didn't lose too much money as the bank noticed and called me.

What a headache but it happens....:-( I'm sorry and hope it comes out ok.....
2008-04-17 10:52 am
That is not much you can do other than making sure that all passwords are changed. You might also want to cancel those email accounts and get a new one.
2008-04-17 10:51 am
What scammers, and what kind of personal information?

If it was banking info, I would contact your bank/credit card etc. immediately and ask them to watch for any strange activity, while getting a new Credit Card number, and changing bank account numbers.

If it was info such as your email addres, you can expect to start getting a lot of spam.
2008-04-17 10:49 am
you are f u c k e d

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