
2008-04-17 7:07 am
我依家睇Yahoo+知識, 有d人話會計師月薪 $10000, 有d話過$30000, 有d又勁到話十萬
咁一個會計師月薪到底幾多 ?_?
可唔可以分開 新手會計師, 有經驗會計師,...etc 咁講
最好有個資料來源/ 經驗

回答 (2)

2008-04-18 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
個position 係會計師(Accountant) 咁就要佢係咪有牌啦
通常考咗ACCA or HKSA passed 晒都叫做有牌架啦
因為大學出嚟通常都有4張左右嘅paper 未考完,係會計師到做大約有
10k - 13k 人工左右啦. 到你考咗牌, 人工可以一去去到20k-25k
因為你考得嚟都有2-3年經驗, 之後就要睇你嘅經驗同表現啦
如果你smart 嘅咁就人工可以一路咁上啦, 同你嘅經驗係轉工嘅時候d 人都會係一個好大嘅考慮因素.

Position Average Monthly

Salary (in HK$)
Chief Financial Officer 81,099
Financial Controller 56,424
Accounting Manager 36,665
Chief Accountant 29,943
Accountant 21,740
Assistant Accountant 15,884

information by jobs DB web site :

Chart :

2008-04-17 18:08:00 補充:
除咗HKSA 同ACCA 都仲有好多會計團體, 不過e 兩個比較多人識
2008-04-17 7:48 am
In general, salary differs depended on experience and yearly evaluation.

Staff accountant (with 0 to 2 yrs experience): ranges from $10K to $20K per month (will get $2K to $4k in addition per month if you have qualified for the professional examination, i.e, ACCA, QP or AICPA)

Senior accountant (with 3 to 5 years experience): ranges from $25K to $38K per month

Manager or above: ranges from $40K to above

For staff and senior accountant, you will be compensated for the hours you worked overtime. Normally, a 13th month bonus will also be entitled for staff and senior accountants.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 00:54:24
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