Seagate HDD 問題????

2008-04-17 3:46 am
After I cleaned dust inside my PC (I removed everything then put it back together) , I plug in the SATA power as usually. When I switch on my PC, all parts only run for a second then stop. This problem never stop until I unplug the SATA
Can any brothers please help me ????
I've try different PSU and HDD, problem still occur.....
PS. forgive my poor English....

回答 (1)

2008-04-18 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Could u see the hdd in bios!? Try auto detect again if u can, otherwise ur hdd maybe "short circuit", so when u plug in power cord then auto off!! If ur hdd in under warranty, pls refer to seller for checking and maintain!!
PS. forgive my poor English 2...

請珍惜答問者心血 ,勿隨便取消或棄置問題 ,多謝大家合作 !
參考: me

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