I want to ask .....(20 marks)

2008-04-17 2:19 am
Below is a conversation between student A and syudent B
Student A: Can mercury freeze into solid state?
Student B :No If mercury freezes , how can it used in the mometer?

a. Do you aree with student B?Explain your answer.
b.A scientist is going to measure the temperature of lava He plans to use a mercury thermometer. Do you think it works? (The temperature of lava is highter than 1000oc

回答 (1)

2008-04-17 3:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. for question asked by A, mercury can freeze into solid if
the temperture is lower than the melting point of mercury.
for question asked by B, if the temperature is lower than the
melting point of mercury , we may use other instrument to
b. no . mercury will vaporize when the temperature is
higher than 1000 degree celcius.
so it cannot work. he may use a kind of thermometer
which can detect infrared radiation given out by the lava.
then the temperature can be known.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 20:28:38
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