She doesn't play the piano. vs She can't play the piano.

2008-04-16 4:59 pm
請問以下的那句是對 or 意思是否不同?
She doesn't play the piano. vs She can't play the piano.
She doesn't speak English. vs She can't speak English.

請問以下的那句應用 a tree or trees or ... ?
Monkeys can climb a tree/trees.
or rewrite to ....
A monkey can climb a tree.

Can you ride a horse? or Can you ride horseS?
Thank you. ^_^

susanlau and scotlus2005 Thank you for your reply .... but .... 你們的回答 剛好相反 !? >_


Then ,.... 請問以下的那句是對 ... Do you speak English. or Can you speak English. Thank you very much.

回答 (3)

2008-04-16 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
文法上,She doesn't play the piano/speak English和She can't play the piano/speak English都是正確的。用doesn't的句子表達一個事態,像中文的「她不會彈琴/說英語」。用can't的一組則是強調「不能夠」,有時候也會來指「做得不好,真不行」的不能夠。例如,在一個彈班琴比賽中,一個選手彈得非常之差,你會說He/she can't play the piano,而非He/she doesn't play the piano。

Monkeys can climb trees 比較好,因為這裡的tree是泛稱,要用眾數型。

2008-04-16 7:50 pm
我覺得tintin852的回應最好, 所以刪除了自己的答案

仍是那一句, 表達 不懂彈/不懂說, dose not 就夠. cannot 用在需要強調那人真的不懂的場合
2008-04-16 6:35 pm
Does not vs Cannot

In this scenario, cannot means no such skills, unable to do such thing (不通曉). Does not refer to recent moment she do not like to do so (having such skill, 知曉但只是這次不做),但我們很少描述這種情況,所以多數用 cannot。


Monkeys can climb trees.
Can you ride a horse?

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