
2008-04-16 10:05 am
1 唔該講野細聲D呀~
2 我個朋友帶緊部電腦黎呀,麻煩等多陣
3 我就會好快上菜架啦
4 我地要等齊人先可以開始
5 部LIFT係向上/下架
6 我係樓下等你

回答 (1)

2008-04-16 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. would you mind to keep your voice down?
2. My friend is coming with the computer, please wait for a moment.
3. The food is coming in a moment.
4. We will start when all of us are here.
5. the elevator/ lift is going up /down.
6. i will wait for you downstairs

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