power of x?
how do we compute x when 125 = 5 ^ x
回答 (7)
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125=5 ^3, therefore x=3
125 = 5^x
5^x = 5^3
x = 3
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You use LOG.
It's on your calculator...
log both sides and make five the base of the log
logbase5 (5x) = logbase5 (125)
cancel the five and you will have x
x = logbase5 (125)
this basically means
log 125 over log 5 = 3
so X = 3
i have a scientific calculator and I press
125, log, divide sign, 5, log , equal sign.
its like saying 5 to what power equals 125. and in this case the power would be x=3
hope this helps..
message me if you need additional help..
Well, you could keep multiplying 5 until you get to 125. If you did, you would get 5*5*5, so x would be x cubed or x=3
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 10:21:55
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