
2008-04-16 7:24 am
我想問下如果係美國讀LAW..有冇問題..? 如果要返黎讀香港既LAW 要幾耐?? 但如果我係讀Business Law咁仲洗唔洗讀返香港個D Business Law??

回答 (2)

2008-04-18 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你如果想係香港執業造律師就要睇吓你係美國有冇執業資格。如果有,你可以去律師會考 Foreign Lawyer Conversion Exam,如果 Pass 就可以。
不過如果你冇外地的執業資格,就一定要讀 PCLL Post Graduate Certificate in Laws。 Full Time 1年,Part time 2年。之後如果做律師,就要搵間 firm 做Article ship2年。如果做大律師都要PCLL,不過唔洗實習咁耐,1年就得啦。

PCLL 課程內句括 Commercial Law,所以你係要讀。就算 Foreign Lawyer Conversion Exam 都有不少問題係關於 香港的 Business Law, 所以都係走唔到啦。


2008-04-18 14:26:24 補充:
香港係用 Common Law System (普通法),美國係 Civil Law System (成文法)
參考: 我自已的執業經驗
2008-04-16 8:59 am
Well, I guess u need to rephrase the question. What kind of problems that u are referring to?

If u wish to practice law in HK, that could be a problem. Although pretty much of American legal system is derived from the common law, they are not entirely the same.

If u wish to practice law in the US, u need to sit for the Bar exam which runs at each state. For most states, only law school graduates can take the Bar exam, but for California, those who have worked with an attorney, upon satisfying certain criterions, may sit for the Bar exam. If one pass it, he or she can practice law in that particular state who administer the Bar exam.

Back home here in Hong Kong, if u wish to practice law, you need to take a special exam to be qualified for such purpose. Usually, an American lawyer needs to take one or two courses to familiar himself with Hong Kong's system before attempting such exam.

An overseas lawyer who is entitled to practise law in an overseas jurisdication and who wish to admit as a solicitor in Hong Kong has to contact Hong Kong Law Society.

To admit as a barrister, one should contact the Hong Kong Bar Association instead.

2008-04-16 01:06:53 補充:
Another problem is that, an undergraduate student in Hong Kong may study law direclty in the first year. However, American system is differnet. Only college graduates (bachelor programs) can be admitted to a law school.
Samuel Khou

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