幫我睇下我d grammar有冇錯

2008-04-16 6:58 am
Last sunday , my grandmother wanted to buy something and decided to go marking . She invited me to accompany her
to carry the food and carbs . These foods use for to make the tonight . the supper.

The atmosphere in the the market is always the same -- it is always bustling and filled with the smell of poultry and fish . Also has this place to have the very many housewife to buy materal in here the place .

After buying the fruit and vegetables , my grandmother moved onto the poultry and fish section . Always sends out intermittent smelly poultry and the fishy smell in
this place , Causes my very not to be willing to keep here .

All of sudden , there were thirty huge live black crabs Crawls in all directions, now to people very fear , but finally gives
sells the crab boss , seizes the complete crab by the fast speed By
now , an everybody all breathe sigh of relief Boss also took the crab
for the grandmother

Although i felt shocked , But I very am all happy , because
it could buy fruit and vegetable and soon . Grandmother and me also experiences to the downtown in the different culture Although causes me in this date to rush about verymuch, but all is worth Because may eat the cooked food which thegrandmother does by oneself

回答 (2)

2008-04-16 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
grammer 有d錯,有d句子唔通順

1.carbs →crabs (spelling mistake)

2.Causes my very not to be willing to keep here →
Causes i am not to be willing to keep here very much.

3.there were thirty huge live black crabs Crawls in all directions→there were having thirty huge live black crabs to crawl in different directions (miss verb)

4. but finally gives sells the crab→ but finally boss gived to sell the crabs

(Although causes me in this date to rush about verymuch,可以唔洗very much,, because it could buy fruit and vegetable and soon 唔要第2個and)

5.But I very am all happy →But i am happy very much too
2008-04-16 7:33 am

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