correcting these sentences !i will give you 15mark~

2008-04-16 4:28 am
1.We should overcome our fright and then we will be a strong person.

2.It is quite difficult for everyone, including me.

3.But if we cannot face up to our fright bravely, we cannot progress well on our future.

4.In order to treat our fright, we should try to find different method. We can find professional people help us such as psychologist.

5.If you think you can overcome your fright, you will succeed on your determination.
6.Everyone wants to be a beautiful or handsome people, so they naturally want to change their appearances

7.One way of making they become more beautiful or handsome is loseing weight.

8.If we are fat people, in order to have good health, we should necessarily lose weight .

9.It just helps them to be healthier, not only for beautiful or handsome.

10.I believe that everyone have their own style and thin does not mean beautiful or handsome.

It just helps us to be healthier, not only for beautiful or handsome.

回答 (2)

2008-04-16 12:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1.We should overcome our fright (change fright to fear) and then we will be a strong person.

2.It is quite difficult for everyone, including me.

3.But if we cannot face (without up to) our fear (not fright) bravely, we cannot progress (no well) in (not on) our future.

4.In order to defeat (treat is not a correct word, it just mean deal with) our fear (no fright), we should try to find different methods. We can find professional people to help us such as psychologist.

5.If you think you can overcome your fear ( fright), you will succeed with (not on) your determination. (We always use with determination.)
6.Everyone wants to be a beautiful or handsome person (people is too general), so they naturally want to change their appearances.

7.One way of making them (we should use them instead of they because them is the object, so has to be passive voice) become more beautiful or handsome is losing (loseing - wrong spelling) weight.

8.If we are fat people, in order to have good health, we should necessarily lose weight .

9.It just helps us to be healthier, not only for beauty (beautiful is an adjective) or good apperance. (handsome is also an adjective).

10.I believe that everyone has (have is not for one) their own style and slim (slim is better than thin) does not mean beautiful nor (since you used does not, then we should use nor, not or) handsome.
參考: Myself
2009-01-06 4:52 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -

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