First time applying credit card... got REJECTED!

2008-04-16 1:36 am
I've just applied Citibank platinum and diners card. Just got rejected today and they even didn't wait for my client's letter. I want to apply it again and here's what I've got:

I'm a freelancer but I've got stable salary evey month (average 24k). I've got the cheque copy of my last salary, last 3 months statements, and a reference letter from my client that proof they've been paying me past 4 months. Will I have a better chance to apply it this time? Thanks.

And will citibank ring my client to verify the letter? As my client is only around in HK this week and next week. I'll need to let her know that. Thanks.


I've just got the letter as my client has written on the letter saying they're very sure of continue having this work relationship with me in the future. Hm... didn't know it'd be so difficult!

回答 (1)

2008-04-16 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the perspective of the bank, your client can stop using your service any time and therefore they will not consider this as stable income. May be you should start with a smaller credit card and start by applying for a basic card rather than a platinum. You can try Aeon - I got one when I was shopping at Jusco in Quarry Bay and I did not give them any proof of income, just address proof and they gave me a credit limit of $5,000 to start with and after a few years it has now increased to $40,000.- with good credit record.

Alternatively you can buy the Olympic cash card from Bank of China which is heavily promoted in the media nowadays and it can also be used like a Visa card.

Hope the above will be of help to you.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 23:04:57
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