Geometric probability

2008-04-16 12:35 am
A dart is thrown at a board 12m long and 5m wide. Atttached to the board are 30 balloons, each with radius 10 cm. Assuming each balloon lies entirely on the board, find the probability that a dart that hits the board will also hit a balloon.

Explain in detail and answer please....

回答 (2)

2008-04-16 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Area of the board
= 12 x 5
= 60m square
= 600000 cm square
Cross-sectional area of one balloon
= 10x10x兀
= 100兀 cm square

P(E) = (100兀 x 30)/600000 = 0.01570796
2008-04-16 1:39 am
area of the board = (12 * 100 ) * ( 5 * 100 ) = 600000
area of 30 balloon = 30 * 10^(2)п = 3000п =9424.77961....
P( hit a balloon ) = 3000п/600000 = 9424.77961..../600000
我不知道你要in term of п 定取接近值....

2008-04-15 17:40:26 補充:
參考: Sunday

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