mutaually exclusive and independent

2008-04-15 11:24 pm
what is the difference between mutaually exclusive and independent?

explain it with Venn's diagram

回答 (2)

2008-04-16 6:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If two events are independent, the occurrence of event 1 will have no effect on the occurrence of event 2.
In Venn's diagram, they can be represented as two sets A and B

If two events are mutually exclusive, the occurrence of event 1 means that event 2 will not happen.
In Venn's diagram, they can be represented as A and A'
2008-04-16 12:12 am
我好想答﹐但今日用盡quota啦﹐我又無html﹐好難explain it with Venn's diagram

2008-04-15 16:21:49 補充:

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