急急急急急!!! 荷蘭港口, 出貨問題

2008-04-15 10:17 pm
另外, 想問 OLDENZAAL 是不是在荷蘭的?

如果由 ROTTERDAM 的港口運去 OLDENZAAL 的港口, 船費大約多少? 需時多久呀?


回答 (1)

2008-04-20 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. now see the BL, discharge port is ROTTERDAM or not? if yes, nothing to do, because is ship to ROTTERDAM.
2. if not show ROTTERDAM in discharge, you can send the request to shipping company say (change of the discharge) to ROTTERDAM. but you need pay the charge.
3. OLDENZAAL & ROTTERDAM, this two is port, but OLDENZAAL is small port.

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