如何平定教琴老師資格及水平, 香港太多PART-TIME老師, 琴行無專業人事又可以開試塲?

2008-04-15 7:13 pm
一般琴行好商業化,收費又貴又無標準, 學一次貴一次,說三說四小朋友要學高一級,又話要加長時間,你的小朋友才有進步, 琴行同老師無道得.




回答 (5)

2008-04-16 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案




2008-04-16 00:34:58 補充:

2008-04-16 00:40:04 補充:

2008-04-17 13:07:04 補充:
One teacher who has obtained certain certificates/diplomas is proofing that he/she has achieved certain professional levels in music, not only ONE that has organized a public concert has the RIGHT to teach piano or music theory, but others are not.

2008-04-17 13:07:46 補充:
Those certificates/diplomas are really obtained from certain professional instuitutes in music like ABRSM, Trinity,CUHK or APA or HKU, by passing their examination requirements,NOT microsoft wording documents. Please don't regard those things as NOTHING!

2008-04-17 13:08:06 補充:
Those examinations are NOT anyone can pass. Many of those diplomas are done by parcticing certain levels in music that has beyond the level of Grade 8, and by obtaing musical knowledge in music theories by doing assignments.

2008-04-17 13:08:46 補充:
One teacher who has obtained certain certificates/diplomas is proofing that he/she has achieved certain professional levels in music, not only ONE that has organized a public concert has the RIGHT to teach piano or music theory, but others are not.

2008-04-17 13:09:27 補充:
Those certificates/diplomas are really obtained from certain professional instuitutes in music like ABRSM, Trinity,CUHK or APA or HKU, by passing their examination requirements,NOT microsoft wording documents. Please don't regard those things as NOTHING!

2008-04-17 13:11:49 補充:
Those examinations are NOT anyone can pass. They are NOT easily passed as well.Just like driving, NOT anyone can pass.

2008-04-17 13:12:05 補充:
Many of those diplomas are done by practicing certain levels in music that has beyond the level of Grade 8, and by obtaining musical knowledge in music theories and history by doing assignments.

2008-04-17 13:19:08 補充:
Hong Kong is a legal society that seeks for certificates/diplomas proofing that he/she has achieved certain professional qualifications by passing certain examinations. Although it is not a perfect way to judge a piano tacher's qualifications,but at least, he/she has some already!

2008-04-17 13:25:37 補充:
If a person who has a Doctoral degree who studied in US (who is now teaching, of course) who couldn't even spell names of composers, besides other musically related knowledge. What composers are they?

2008-04-17 13:56:36 補充:
Of course I studied in the HKBU,CUHK, I followed some famous teachers like崔世光/潘德/李健etc. I need not to ask them for certificates/diplomas/degrees since they've got certain reputations in music.

2008-04-17 13:59:12 補充:
But in Hong Kong there may be some teachers who are not up to ceratin qualifications who dare to teach music that beyond their levels. There are too many Grade 8 piano teachers in Hong Kong.So I think that occasionally showing certificates/diplomas/degrees may be helpful.

2008-04-18 11:04:21 補充:
hl_so ,
Thanks for your sharing at the
2008-04-21 1:40 am
試 1-2個月就知龍定鳳喇!!!

2008-04-23 18:59:27 補充:
顧嘉輝-都無受過正统音樂訓練, 睇教出黎既成績最實際
2008-04-19 8:59 am
一般琴行好商業化,收費又貴又無標準, 學一次貴一次,說三說四小朋友要學高一級,又話要加長時間,你的小朋友才有進步, 琴行同老師無道得.

琴行通常比較商業化一些, 因為他們此終是做生意, 小朋友如果有的要升級, 學費貴一些是正常, 只要是真的應付到高一級的琴譜是ok的, 如果學到高級還是30分鐘可能真的不夠時間, 家長也要問問小朋友是不是一堂不能彈完要覆的歌, 或不夠時間仔細彈好首歌, 不要胡亂相信導師是否要加時間.


考試塲地是有評定的, 因為我的同事開琴行辦考試房, 裝修是有標準的格式的,還要申請, 裝修後批核, 不會胡亂有間大房便是考試房.

PS 本人眼見好多導師都迫學生考試, 家長滿心歡喜, 學生以為自己很有天份,一年只彈三首歌, 基本功差, 即使考到3,4級, 根本上還是彈緊2級琴書! 考到八級又如何 ?! 連 5級的歌都彈到 "lug lug cut cut" ! 這是八級嗎 ?! 只會快, 但技巧力度, 音色全不懂 !有些追不上的只好最後八級時考過"肥佬"回來....這有意思嗎 ?!
2008-04-17 5:58 pm
So we assume you are looking for quality music instructions.
I disagree with both answers above. A musician is not determined by his qualification, ESPECIALLY in Hong Kong. There are so many musicians with Grade 8, Diploma, even degrees from CU or APA, and yet, are they genuinely qualified to be a music teacher? If I have a CE certificate for physics, am I qualified to teach physics?
I know a Doctoral degree holder who studied in US (who is now teaching, of course) who couldn't even spell names of composers, besides other musically related knowledge. So what's in a certificate?
No, I don't think one should ask to see a certificate. It's so superficial, and it is such a stupid practice that makes every 16-year-old want to pass a Grade 8 so he/she can be a piano teacher. If you want to know how good your teacher is, ask him/her to play you something, attend his concerts, read his writings, survey his collection of recordings, scores, books, etc.. These are the basic things that bespeak of a proper musician, not a certificate.
Do not follow a teacher who does not play any public concerts. Will you learn driving from a teacher who only has a certificate but has no experience in driving on the real road? If a musician tells you he/she has little experience in public performance (not just in school), then walk away immediately, regardless of where they graduate from or certificates that they have.
Art is very different from academic subjects. You can look for a teacher to teach you mathematics, but in art, the teacher has to be an artist himself, not just a teacher.
Lastly, teachers who are eager to show you their certificates are teachers who have only the certificate to show and nothing else. A real musician sits on the piano and play you a recital, he will show you his library, not a certificate.
Of course, as a parent or a student, if you are not taking music seriously, then any teacher anywhere would do the job.

2008-04-17 16:17:03 補充:
Hi 愛琴海岸,

Thank you for your response. I have a few words to say, but it's too long to fit in here.
Please follow this link: http://performnow.hk/teaching.htm.

2008-04-27 19:11:09 補充:
I know you must be very proud of your qualifications, and I congratulate you for that, but having these qualifications (in music) does not mean you can be a good teacher. Look at all the questions posted here on writing programme notes - if these people pass, can they be good teachers too?

2008-04-27 19:14:04 補充:
No, I still insist that if you want to teach music, you've got to demonstrate your musicianship - which means you've got to play. That's no other way. A musician is not rated by his/her qualifications, but by performance. Similiarly, a driver is not rated by his driver's licence.

2008-04-27 22:23:32 補充:
There is a Performance Forum on May 2 at City Hall Recital Hall (details go to http://PerformNow.hk). Come perform something and convince us that a certificate/degree holder means as much as you say it is.
2008-04-15 7:29 pm

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