
2008-04-15 5:51 pm
咦~ 整到好污糟辣撻a
地球先生病左啦 佢會唔會好番呢?
保護環境 救救地球


個廣告段片係到: http://youtube.com/watch?v=xMIi9C0XHyU

仲 有 兩 句 呀 sorry * 這個故事未完成, 結局由你決定。


依兩句... 麻煩幫手譯埋丫...THANKS*

回答 (5)

2008-04-15 6:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
地球先生 <Mr. Earth>
(小妹妹獨白。。。) <A little girl says.....>
從前,有一位地球先生,佢好健康`好快樂 <Once upon a time, a man named Mr. Earth was so healthy and happy>
不過,好多人一d都唔錫佢 <Unfortunately, no one care about him>
咦~ 整到好污糟辣撻a <oh~ ~make him so messy>
仲逼佢食好多垃圾添 <and force him to eat so many rubbish>
地球先生病左啦 佢會唔會好番呢? <Mr. Earth is sick now, does he recover?>
保護環境 救救地球 <Protect the environment Save the earth>

2008-04-15 10:22:16 補充:

2008-04-15 10:24:11 補充:
這個故事未完成 (This story is not yet finished),
結局由你決定 (The ending is what you decided)
2008-04-16 2:00 am
A little girl saysOnce upon a time, a man named Mr. Earth was so healthy and happy
Unfortunately, no one care about hima oh~ ~make him so messy
and force him to eat so many rubbish
Mr. Earth is sick now, does he recover?
Protect the environment Save the earth
This story is not yet finished
The ending is what you decided
2008-04-15 11:21 pm
Mr. Earth

(Solo by a little girl)

Once upon a time, there was a Mr. Earth who was very healthy and happy !

However, a lot of people do not treat him well !

Oh, how dirty and messy they made Mr. Earth into,
and they even forced Mr. Earth to eat a lot of rubbish !

Now Mr. Earth is very sick, will he recovered ??

Protect the environment ! Save the earth !

This story does not end yet, the ending is to be decided by you !!
參考: Myself
2008-04-15 6:07 pm
Once upon a time, there was Granpa Earth, he was healthy and very happy,

but many other people wasn't fond of him a bit.

So much filth! And they fed him a lot of garbage.

Granpa Earth is sick. Well he recover?

Protect your habitat. Save planet earth... .
2008-04-15 6:05 pm
Mr. Planet
Once, there was a Mr. Planet. He was very healthy and very happy. But a lot of perople have been treating him badly. They made him very dirty and feeded him with a lot of garbage!
Now, Mr. Planet is very sick. Will he recover ?
Protect the environment! Save the Earth !

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