
2008-04-15 8:11 am
A newspaper publishing company wishes to estimate the mean number of newspaper subscriptions per household in a newly developed town. The company divided the town into 200 non-overlapping geographic areas among which ten areas were randomly selected. The number of newspapers subscripted to by each household in a sampled block was then recorded.

i) Identity the sampling method that the company has adopted.

ii) Explain why the use of simple random sampling is not efficient here.

回答 (1)

2008-04-16 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The company uses Cluster sampling


Simple random sampling is not efficient

Need a lot of travel and other administrative costs. For example, one sample may live in Hong Kong but the other one lives in New Territories.

Simple random sampling needs a sampling frame for the entire population which is not easy obtained

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