Source of methane

2008-04-15 6:03 am
will methane be produced during combustion of long hydrocarbon/fossil fuel.

Is it correct to say that methane will be produced if the burning of fossil fuel is not completed (i.e.not forming only H2O and CO2). when birning of fossil fuel,will cracking of long hydrocarbon in fossil fuel occur to produce methane as side product ?

回答 (2)

2008-04-15 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
methane is very readily to be burnt. Even some are produced from the combustion of long hydrocarbon/fossil fuel, the amount of methane is very small.

In cracking, methane is not the side product.
The purpose of carcking is to produce lighter hydrocarbons.
Unless you say the purpose of cracking is to produce alkene/hydrogen only ( quite non-sense)

other source of methane
i)decomposition of organinc matter(eg there is really a lot of methan in landfill sites)
[2006 marking:
increase in race paddies/ cattle. the remain/manure decays to form methane.]
ii)due to grobal warming, the solid methane in deep ocean is released to the atmosphere. The solid methane is formed by high hydrostatic pressure. When temperature increases slighly, the pressure is reduced, Thus the solid meathane escapes.[I don'e suggest you wirte this in your exam paper. It is just for reading. Markers themselves may not even know it.]
2008-04-15 8:12 am
cracking may not be occur
the methane maybe come from the fossil fuel ( the mixture of hydrocarbon )

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